Mountain bike tools

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Don’t get stranded trail side!

If you plan to head out on a big ride these essential mountain bike tools  will get you out of some pretty tricky situations. Nobody want’s to be left high and dry, faced with a long walk of shame back to civilisation because they can’t make an emergency repair!

Lets start with a virtual tool to help you share a location if things go sideways!

The What3words app is a map that divides the whole world into tiny squares, each with a unique three-word address. It helps people find and share places easily, even in places deep in the forrest!

It’s easy to share your location and a great tool for either meeting friends out on the trails or using it in a way to help people find you if you run into issues.

Download the What3words App here.

Multitool With A Chain Breaker

It really is important to have the chain breaker, one of the most common ride wreckers is a broken chain.

Any multitool worth its weight will have a chain breaker to fix this. It’s also worth looking for a multitool that comes with a 10mm allen key to help with the bigger bolts (you’d be surprised how many don’t have this).

mountain bike tools to carry

Outdoor Specific First Aid Kit

The Adventurer is a well-equipped First Aid Kit that will give you the basics to deal with most common injuries. It comes with basic kit to cover bleeding, breaks as well as medication and other accessories.

The QuickFind System ensures that the contents are organised and keeps the pack compact.

At 15cm x 14cm in size, you barely know you have it in the bag.

Mech Hanger

It’s the first thing to break when you inevitably hit something with your derailleur.

This piece of kit is actually designed to break before the derailleur, They are also specific to each bike.

Finding one of these whilst out on holiday or out in the wilderness can be tricky so it’s well worth carrying a spare especially when heading abroad.

Essential mountain bike tools to carry

Steel Core Tyre Levers

Having a descent set of levels will get you out of a fix when you need them most. The cheap plastic equivalent tyre levers go brittle over time. You can then almost guarantee they will then snap when you’re on your hands and knees getting eaten alive by midges, trying to fix a flat tyre. Sound familiar?

High Volume Bike Pump Or CO2 Canisters

A small, powerful and easy-to-store pump can get you out of a fix. For either options they can be purchased with a frame adapter which sits behind your water bottle for easy storage.

CO2 canisters are the quickest and smallest way to re inflate tyres however they are a ‘one time use’ and can occasionally malfunction. A hand pump is a fail safe way to guarantee you’ll get out of a fix but they are typically bigger.

Worth noting – If you plan to fly with your bike only the small CO2 canisters can be packed in limited quantity. Double check with your airline provider before departure.

Don’t Forget;

A good quality inner-tube

Tubeless repair kit

Windproof shell for if things take a turn for the worse.

Chain Quick Link

A quick fix which allows you to repair a snapped chain trailside, without tools!

Final Thoughts…..

When you’re heading out on a big ride it’s important to over prepare and then roll with the punches!

You’re going to run into issues, it’s a matter of when not if. BUT that’s all part of the adventure and makes for a cool story afterwards!

GPX Routes

If you’re looking for some awesome rides then you might want to check out our GPX routes here. 

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